
Philip Moscoso

Eurest Chair of Service Excellence IESE Business School

Philip Moscoso holds the Eurest Chair of Service Excellence and is a Full Professor in the department of Operations & Technology Management at IESE Business School, ranked number 1 business school in the world in Executive Education by the Financial Times, six years in a row.

At IESE, Prof. Moscoso teaches executives in both open enrolment programs as well as custom programs, and to master students in the different MBA programs of the school. Furthermore, Philip is head of digitalization and learning innovation at IESE and member of the school’s Academic Committee. His research analyses how operations excellence and innovation can generate competitive advantage for companies, with a particular attention to consumer good companies and the servitization of industrial companies. Over the years, he has had the opportunity to develop his areas of interest through teaching, research projects and consulting work.

Philip has published more than 40 articles in international journals, such as Ergonomics, Journal of Engineering Design or Production Planning & Control, in conference proceedings and in business newspapers. He has also authored more tan 30 teaching cases (2 of them won the EFMD best case award) and technical notes, as well as the McGraw-Hill bestselling textbook “Operations Management for Executives”. Professor Moscoso complements his scholarly work with advisory services to companies. He has worked for international consultancies as Bain & Co. and KPMG, and over 20 years has advised clients from different industries on issues as strategy, organization, or performance and service improvement.

Philip has completed a Service Management Program at Harvard Business School, a General Management Program (PDG) at IESE, and received his M.Sc. and Doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.